Sunday, June 22, 2008


Time with Bear is going by all too quickly. I can't believe she's 3 months already. Such a big girl. She has really come into her own. I love her personality and her expressions and can't wait to see how she matures.

I see so much of Jason in her and I love it. From the way her eyes smile to how far her ears stand off her head. She's definitely her daddy's girl. It is, however, the most amazing feeling in the world to have her cry for me or calm down the second she hears my voice or that I hold her. I've never known a bond like that and I can't even begin to explain what it does to my heart.

To watch her grow, achieve milestones and make advancements well beyond her age make me more appreciative of this gift of life and salvation. It makes me appreciate the sacrifice that Christ made for us all that much more. My baby girl has been my saving grace and my spiritual wake up call. Goodness only knows where I would be without her. Love.

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